Calls for Terrorism Hearings Concerning Texas
Representative Amelia Anderson-Pugnoli has openly called for hearings in Congress regarding the recent clashes in West Texas which saw the Texas National Guard seize control of the West Texas oilfields. She and the nearly one hundred twenty Representatives who back her have said that the actions of Texas Governor Hollis, the Texas National Guard, and the right-wing organization that calls itself “The Triarii” amounted to insurrection and international terrorism. “This kind of violence amounts to nothing less than a betrayal of everything America stands for! Texas is not a sovereign country, and even if it were, the attacks on international companies and Mexican nationals are crimes against humanity, and must be punished.”
Governor Hollis has issued no statement at this time.
Violence Continues on West Coast
Seattle is in flames again tonight, this time in reaction to the alleged killing of a local community activist near Capitol Hill. While the Capitol Hill area has been an epicenter for unrest since 2020, the latest spate of violence appears to be between several local activist groups. As this article goes live, it is still unclear what prompted the latest dispute, but it may have been a personal clash between would-be leaders of the Seattle Chapter of People’s Revolutionary Action. However, rumors continue to swirl that Hamal Johnson-Rodriguez was assassinated by right-wing extremists or even by agents of the Federal government.
This is only the latest incident in waves of violence that have wracked the I-5 corridor since before the cyber-attack that crashed the power grid. The unrest has put considerable obstacles in the way of recovery, and months after the lights went out, they remain out for large portions of every major city on the West Coast.
Rumors Swirl about Chinese Involvement in Current Unrest
Conspiracy theories abound during times of crisis, and the current problems our country faces are no different. People look for someone to blame, for some explanation for the random and chaotic events that have upended their lives. So, it should be no surprise that such theories have erupted in popularity since the cyber-attack last year.
Many of these conspiracy theories are often used by unscrupulous actors to further their agendas. The current rumors that the People’s Republic of China may have been involved in the cyber-attack, and has been fomenting the chaos in its aftermath, however, are wildly irresponsible even for the right-wing organizations that have fed the fears of the American people in the aftermath of a disaster of unprecedented proportions. To attempt to antagonize the world’s foremost emerging superpower at a time like this is reprehensible, and those who spread these rumors should be silenced.
Stalemate in Europe
The European Defense Council has issued strongly worded condemnations of what it terms terrorist attacks on French territory by American forces early this year. They have refused to confirm or deny whether or not the strikes did, in fact, cripple the French nuclear arsenal, which has been under the Council’s effective control for the last five years.
From what this reporter was able to determine, however, hostilities appear to be at something of a standstill since the strikes, which came in the aftermath of an attempted coup in Germany. We were assured by European Defense Council spokespersons that the ultranationalists in Poland are nearly exhausted, and that they are confident that negotiations can be opened soon to resolve the dispute with the United States that was fomented by those same ultranationalists.
Indian-Chinese Ceasefire Holds Despite Skirmishes
The ceasefire on the Doklam Plateau remains in effect, though both India and China have moved large conventional forces into position on both sides of the border. While skirmishes have intensified along the Line of Actual Control, so far, there have been no major offensive moves made by either side.
Even so, analysts have pointed to an uptick in terrorist attacks in the Indian-controlled areas of Kashmir. Most deny that there is any solid link between the skirmishing and the terror attacks; the Lashkar e Taiba fighters have no known ties to China, especially given Chinese treatment of the Muslim Uighurs in Xinjiang. However, a few have pointed to past support for other Islamist terror groups, and the fact that jihadist groups have only very rarely targeted Chinese interests.
Despite the upheaval happening elsewhere in the world, many eyes remain fixed on Kashmir as a major potential flashpoint.
Britain Still Professes Neutrality
In the wake of the strikes that rocked the French naval base at Brest, the British Royal Navy has stepped up its patrols in the North Sea and English Channel, but have kept their distance from both the French and American navies. When questioned, Prime Minister Jameson has simply said that, “The United Kingdom has enough difficulties of its own without becoming embroiled in war on the continent. The UK left the European Union before the ill-advised European Defense Council came into being, and when the belligerents are all NATO members, we have no binding responsibility to become involved under the North Atlantic Treaty.”
While the Prime Minister did not say as much, some pundits have pointed out that Great Britain’s own domestic unrest and economic hard times—especially in the wake of the last crash of the British Pound, which saw the currency reach a new low on the international monetary exchange, furthering the damage done by the waves of recession that have wracked the country since Brexit.
Also brought into question is whether or not the British Army is even in any shape to take sides in the continental war. While the riots at the end of last year have quieted, they have not ceased altogether, and entire British Army units are said to still be disaffected, if not in outright mutiny.
Is the Russian Bear Stirring?
While Baltic Fleet units continue to patrol close to US Navy ships in the Baltic, the Russian Army continues to move. Russian Army forces have poured into Ukraine, but while Estonia remains occupied, no buildup has been detected there. This has hardly been comforting to the Latvians and Lithuanians, however, though they now find themselves alone, cut off from Poland by the Kaliningrad Oblast, and with Russian Navy ships between them and the USS Abraham Lincoln, which entered the Baltic last month, not to mention the USS Dwight D Eisenhower, currently deployed in the North Sea.
Russian forces are, however, massing on the Polish border, both in Kaliningrad Oblast and Ukraine, despite the commitment of forces in the latter to quell the growing Ukrainian unrest—in a sharp reversal of the situation only a few years ago, when the unrest was largely being fueled by pro-Russian separatists. Russian “partner forces” are also staged in Belarus, but have so far avoided deploying forward, it is believed due to requests from the Belorussian government.
Moscow has issued no formal statements about any of these troop movements, only offering to serve as a mediator between Washington, Warsaw, and Brussels. These offers have, so far, fallen on deaf ears.
Chinese Offer Peacekeepers in Europe
In an unprecedented move, Beijing issued a formal offer to the European Defense Council today to send People’s Liberation Army peacekeepers to Poland and Slovakia under UN mandate.
While it would not be the first time PLA peacekeepers have been deployed abroad—the People’s Liberation Army has deployed several thousand UN peacekeepers around the globe—most of the UN missions they have undertaken have been in Africa. To deploy peacekeepers in the Western world is truly a sign that the world is changing rapidly, and signals China’s readiness to step into a true leadership position on the international stage.
“We cannot continue to assume that events around the world do not affect us all,” said Jiāng Tiān Yué, a spokesperson for the Chinese Embassy in Paris. “We live in One World, and we must act like it. It is in everyone’s best interest to bring this unfortunate conflict to a close in a way that benefits all.”
It is currently unclear just what shape the peacekeeping force would take. A spokesperson for the European Defense Council, Janine Lévêque, declined to make a formal statement, but indicated that the Council may already be in talks with Beijing concerning the offer.
More US Forces Arrive in Poland
For the first time in over two decades, the entirety of the US 1st and 2nd Infantry Divisions, along with the 1st Armored Division, arrived in Europe as coherent units. Due to the logistical situation, the three divisions traveled by sea, for the first time since World War II, in ten separate convoys spread out over nearly a week. “Without direct support from the UK, or any of the other surrounding countries such as Denmark or Sweden, we had no choice but to convoy across the Atlantic,” Colonel Maria Tormond said. “There were several alarms that indicated we might have come under naval attack, but the passage was mostly uneventful.” She would neither confirm nor deny reports that two tankers and a support cargo ship were sunk by French submarines off the coast of Scotland.
The three American divisions are now unloading in the port of Gdansk, under air cover from the USS Abraham Lincoln and the 1st, 2nd, and 52nd Fighter Wings. The 52nd had already redeployed to Poland after declining relations with Germany led to the closing of most American bases in that country.
It will take some time for the three units to fully deploy. In the meantime, there are two major questions: What is the US Army’s next move in Europe? And how will the European Defense Council react to such a major deployment in a country currently hostile to the rest of Western Europe?
Thunder Run will be out on February 26.
Very nice!
Can’t wait for this latest chapter. Hoping it’s released in paperback, as Amazon would only offer a pre-order in ebook format.
It will be. I’m a firm believer in physical books.